Community Safety Services
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How can you help our emergency services save lives and improve outcomes ?
Imagine, you call for emergency services assistance, you are worried,stressed maybe fighting for your life or that of a loved one ? The Ambulance has been dispatched and has the postcode and number of your property. BUT on arrival at your location they struggle to identify your property...WHY? No House Sign to identify you.
You may think that this is a small issue ? BUT it could take a few minutes extra to identify your property. With Medical outcomes "Minutes Save Lives" and "Improve Outcomes".
For a small investment in a bright, clear House Sign you can help the Emergency services help you.
The Welsh Ambulance Service is appealing for people to display their house name or number prominently to help save lives.
It says in Wales there are still many properties that don’t have door numbers or names, which could mean that time is wasted by blue light services searching for the property in an emergency.
The Trust is urging householders to help reduce response times by ensuring that their properties are clearly and prominently identified and that there is nothing obstructing them.